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COmputer Simulation & Gaming

Kevin King Headshot

Kevin King

I’m Kevin King, a Technical Designer and Programmer who is deeply passionate about video games. I try to blend my technical expertise with creativity, while also developing tools for others to be creative. Going to college wasn’t just for me; it was also to provide a better life for my son. This fuels my drive to excel in gaming, and to create immersive experiences. I hope to create great things and set a good example for my son to follow.

Kevin King Sample 1
Student Sample 02




Prepare for a career in animation and gaming, plus attain skills transferable to other industries such as computer programming, multimedia development and film production. Students have opportunities to focus on game design or programming.

Testers, designers and producers are in demand as the use of this technology increases rapidly. New games are continually in production, and computer simulations are used as educational and training tools in schools and businesses.

You can earn the Unity Developer technical diploma on the way to completing the Computer Simulation & Gaming associate degree.


  • Game Designer
  • Game Programmer
  • Producer